住店客人持有效房卡在百富怡大酒店均可享受消费折扣住店客人持有效房卡在百富怡大酒店均可享受以下消费折扣 In house guests enjoy following discounts with expire room card ● 一家春菜馆八折优惠(不包含:海鲜类、特价菜及酒精类产品) 20% discount on the Chinese restaurant. (Except seafood、promotion items and alcohol drink.) 以上活动最终解释权归百富怡大酒店所有。 The company reserve the right of final explanation. 住店客人持有效房卡在百富怡大酒店均可享受以下消费折扣 In house guests enjoy following discounts with expire room card ● 咖啡厅自助午餐七五折优惠 25% discount on the lunch buffet. ● 大堂吧八折优惠(不包含酒精类产品) 20% discount on the lobby lounge.(Except alcohol drink.) 以上活动最终解释权归百富怡大酒店所有。 The company reserve the right of final explanation. |